Real Possibilities
  130 Washington St, #209
Rocky Hill, NJ 08553
PH: 609-514-1300


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Ilonka K. Seamon

Ilonka SeamonMs. Seamon is the Co-Founder and Vice President of Real Possibilities, LLC. Ilonka has over 20 years of experience in the fields of accounting and office administration, having been employed by such distinguished companies as Harshaw Chemical Company, Tingley Rubber Corporation, and the accounting firm of Schaeffer, Lamont & Associates, Inc.

Ilonka's strength is breaking things down to their smallest components and helping the client to understand, with a step by step procedure, how to get things done. "Selling a large package of services is not what we are about. We work very closely with our clients to understand their needs and requirements and we tailor our services to their specifications. Their success is our success."

Ms. Seamon holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Douglass College - Rutgers University.

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